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Canyon KornickerCanyon Kornicker

Canyon Kornicker


Boulder, CO

Breaking into the Venture Space from Ed-Tech

Tell us about yourself.

I went to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania where I studied Behavioral Economics. After spending my whole life living on the East Coast, I decided it was time to live up to my name and move out to the Mountain West. In Colorado, I get to enjoy all the activities the Rockies have to offer such as camping, hiking, biking, and skiing. Out of undergrad, I worked as an economic consultant assisting expert reports in high-profile litigation. I then worked at Guild, an ed-tech company focused on creating mobility and upskilling for America’s frontline workforce. Now, I sit on the Venture Team here at AngelList!

What attracted you to AngelList Venture?

When the opportunity came to explore the Venture team at AngelList— it was a no-brainer. Each person I talked to in the interviews was friendly and impressive. The chance to work in this industry was one I had to take!

Describe the Venture Associate role in one sentence.

Venture Associates act as a liaison to connect General Partners running venture funds on our platform with our full suite of offerings, to help make the experience of VC fundraising and investing as seamless as possible and continue accelerating the rate of innovation across the startup economy.

How did your previous job at Guild prepare you for the role?

At my last job, I sat on the Employer Partnerships team, specifically in the Healthcare vertical. Since Guild was relatively new to healthcare when I joined, I got comfortable with ambiguity very quickly as we built out our practice. Furthermore, in this client-facing role, I gained valuable experience delivering exceptional service and quarterbacking work streams internally.

What’s the most important skill that has helped you be successful in the Venture Associate role?

Soft skills such as connection building and clear, effective communication are paramount. These things can be practiced, and should, to give you the best chance of success here!

What have you learned working as a Venture Associate?

I’ve learned a ton about the Venture Capital industry, as well as gained exposure to funders and founders across the ecosystem.

What do you hope to accomplish at AngelList Venture?

I’m excited to help our GPs grow their funds on our platform and work towards scaling and improving processes within our own organization.

What is your top life hack for Venture Associates?

Keep yourself organized from the very start! Since we wear many hats here as VCAs, it’s important to start strong by setting yourself up for sustained success.

What advice would you give Venture Associate applicants?

Talk to your interviewers and other connections at AngelList to understand what we do here. Research our offerings and come prepared to speak to them. Most importantly, be yourself!