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Connor RileyConnor Riley

Connor Riley


New York, NY

Learning the ins and outs of the ever-evolving VC space

Tell us about yourself.

I graduated in 2020 with a degree in Political Science, Philosophy, and Economics from Brown University. I’ve lived 8+ years in three different cities—Amsterdam, Netherlands; Portland, Oregon; and Toronto, Canada. Outside of work, I love to golf (played on the team at Brown), travel, and read historical or political non-fiction.

What attracted you to AngelList Venture?

I interned at a VC firm during my Sophomore year of college and a real estate finance firm during my Junior year. Needless to say, the former motivated and excited me more than the latter, so it became my goal to break into the venture space.

I had heard of AngelList prior to applying for the role, but I wasn’t aware of the extent to which it impacts the VC & startup landscape on a daily basis; that became clearer as I researched the organization and progressed through the interview process. What attracts me? If you’re interested in fast-paced startups, educating yourself on venture finance, and getting access to the most influential people in the industry, there’s probably no better place to land.

Describe the Venture Associate role in one sentence.

Balancing time between nurturing GP relationships and working on strategic projects that help propel the growth of AngelList as a business.

What’s the most important skill that has helped you be successful in the Venture Associate role?

Delegating time and setting expectations. Yes, that’s two skills, but they follow a similar theme. This role presents as much responsibility and opportunity as you allow it to present, but a person can only do so much. Pick your battles, do the job to the best of your ability (within reason), and allocate the remaining time to initiatives you’re passionate about. People at AngelList love individuals who take initiative and clearly outline what they will (and won’t) be able to bring to the table.

What have you learned working as a Venture Associate?

VC is a complex space; there’s always something new to learn. The road to being “fully educated” on venture is never-ending. It’s also not linear. Some days, everything seems to click, whereas on others, a unique edge case presents itself that requires critical thinking and creativity to navigate. Both types of days are incredible because—and I’m stressing this line again for a reason—there’s always something new to learn.

What do you hope to accomplish at AngelList Venture?

I hope to get to a point where I can analyze a term sheet, pitch deck, and set of closing documents and fully understand the nuances of that particular deal. I hope to be an expert in the space because it’ll help me continue to build trust and influence with my GPs.

Aside from the day-to-day of working with GPs, I hope to make my mark on high-visibility strategic projects internally. AngelList has launched a plethora of new products lately, each of which has the capability of innovating the venture space.