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Introducing Deal Partners

Incentivizing teamwork

Jul 6, 20212 min read

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Today, we’re excited to share our latest feature, Deal Partners, which empowers any fund manager to share deal-level carry with a single click.

Historically, GPs have only been able to build partnerships at the management company level or fund level. With Deal Partners, fund managers can build flexible partnerships at the deal level.

We’ve made Deal Partners simple to use:

  • For any deal, select recipients to share carry with.
  • You will get a link to share with your deal partner.
  • Once the deal partner accepts, your carry-sharing agreement is finalized.

Deal Partners is changing how fund managers manage their funds:

Scout Programs

“To succeed in venture you need to treat it as a positive sum game. Deal Partners allows me to do that by giving people who send me deals skin in the game. I can build an ecosystem and fan base.” — Sahil Lavingia,

Expand Networks

“Deal Partners has led to the formation of well over a dozen new relationships. The compounding benefits are substantial and have led to more deal flow, better deal flow, larger pools of capital, and increased expertise.” — Zach Ginsburg, Calm Syndicate.

Deal Partners creates a financial incentive for teamwork. We’re excited to see the new ways partnerships are formed using this feature. If you're interested in learning more about this, you can reach out to your account manager.


Participating in Deal Partners does not guarantee a fund manager or the deal partner/carry recipient that the deal partner will necessarily earn carried interest. The portion of carried interest attributable to a particular deal and payable to a deal partner will be determined in the sole discretion of Fund GP, LLC and will only be paid if the fund is profitable. Any fund manager sharing carried interest and any deal partner accepting carried interest under the Deal Partners program must certify that the deal partner is providing substantive services to the fund manager in identifying, assessing, and negotiating a particular deal. Carried interest should not be shared with any person who is not providing such services.